It has been decided to hold PENSION ADALAT in the Textiles Committee on 20th September 2021 (Monday) at 11.30 AM through virtual mode (Video Conferencing through Webex platform) to deal with Pensioner's grievances pending, if any & any other problematic issue.
2. The PENSION ADALAT will be chaired by the following Officers of the Textiles Committee at Mumbai:
(i) Shri J. D. Barman, Chief Accounts Officer (o): | H.Q. Mumbai |
(ii) Shri M. D. Khapekar, Assistant Director (Admn-P) | H.Q. Mumbai |
(iii) Smt. S. R. Patil, Dealing Clerk from Administration (Personnel) | H.Q. Mumbai |
3. All the pensioners of the Textiles Committee is hereby requested to make use of the said PENSION ADALAT to clarify their pending grievances if any & any other problematic issue.
4. The PENSION ADALAT will be held virtually through Webex platform. The link for video conference will be displayed in due course.
5. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
(M. D. Khapekar)
Asstt. Director (Admn-P)
The pdf version of the notice is available below for download
Notice for WebEx link to pensioners of Textiles Committee for registration & attending Pension Adalat to be held on 20 September 2021 (Monday) at 11.30 AM virtually. Notice No.91/431/2021/AD dated September 2, 2021