Certificate of Origin for textiles & made-ups meant for export under different Trade Agreements:
The Textiles Committee is authorized to issue a Certificate of Origin under 12 Different Trade Agreements. This certificate enables the importers to claim duty preferences at the importing end.
- Indo-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IJCEPA)
- Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP)
- Indo-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (ISLFTA)
- ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement (ASEAN-India FTA)
- India-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IKCEPA)
- India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (IMCECA)
- South Asia Free Trade Area (SAFTA)
- India-Chile Preferential Trading Agreement (INDIA-Chile PTA)
- India-Mercosur Preferential Trading Agreement (India-Mercosur PTA)
- Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA)
- SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement (SAPTA)
- India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (ISCECA)
- Indo-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (IMCECPA)
- India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IUCEPA)
- India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (IAECTA)
As per the provisions under the FTAs, the exporters applying for a Certificate of Origin have to ascertain that the goods intended for export meet the Origin Criteria of India through the system of Pre-Export Verification (PV) for each HS Code. The exporters are required to apply for PV prior to applying for the 1st Certificate of origin for each HS Code. Each PV Report is valid for a period of one year or 100 Certificate of Origin, whichever is earlier.
Certificate of Origin under 15 Different Trade Agreements are now being digitally issued on DGFT digital platform. The link for the same is https://coo.dgft.gov.in/.
Certificate of Origin under the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP):
Under the scheme of the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), the Developed countries grant preferential tariff treatment to the developing countries to certain agricultural and industrial products imported from developing countries. The Committee authorized to issue GSP Certificate in Form-A for textiles and textile articles to the Indian exporters. This certificate entitles the importers to claim duty preferences at the importing end.
Certificate of Origin under GSP is now being digitally issued on DGFT digital platform. The link for the same is https://coo.dgft.gov.in/
Undertaking Format – Pre shipment
Undertaking Format – Post shipment
EU has introduced a self certification system called Registered Exporters (REX) system with effect from 01 January 2017. Textiles Committee is one of the local administrator to register the Indian exporters under REX System. Under REX System, no GSP certificates are required for EU member countries, Norway & Switzerland.
For registration under REX System, visit the link https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/business/calculation-customs-duties/rules-origin/general-aspects-preferential-origin/arrangements-list/generalised-system-preferences/the_register_exporter_system_en Below are the general guidelines for registering the Pre-Application.
- TIN No = IN followed by 10 digits IE Code of Exporter (Example: IN0123456789)
- Name and address of the company must be as per IEC Copy.
- Exporter Activities:
- If registered as Manufacturer exporter in IEC, then Select Production& Trading
- H S Code: While entering H S Code, whole chapter should be entered instead of specific sub-chapters.
- Example:If the company is dealing in 6302, 6305, 6308, 6311 then 6300 should be entered in H S Code Section of registration form and so on.
- In Box no. 5 & Box no. 6, details of only authorized signatory must be filled.
- The authorized signatory must be any person whose name is present in IEC.
- Box No 5 & Box No 6 must be signed separately.
- Details can be filled in box no 6 after selecting checkbox available on top Right corner.
- To access online IEC, Visit:https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP/?opt=view-any-ice
- To access DEL List of IEC. Visit:https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP/?opt=view-any-ice
After successful registration, take a printout and send the same to the nearest Textiles Committee office along with following self attested documents & Covering letter on company letterhead.
- IEC copy
- PAN Card of Company (not applicable for Proprietorship)
- PAN Card Copy of signing authority
- Textiles Committees Latest copy of Registration/ Renewal
- Note:It is mandatory to register with the Textiles Committee for availing of the above service.
1. Exporter registered under REX shall fulfil the following obligations:
- Ensure that the goods, for which a ‘Statement on Origin’ is made, satisfies the origin criteria as per the Rules of Origin and the appropriate origin criteria is mentioned in the ‘Statement on Origin’. For ‘P’ when the exported goods are wholly obtained i.e. made of indigenous material.
- Where the imported raw material is used in manufacturing of the goods, the origin criteria shall be declared as “W ----” (followed by four digit H.S. Code of the exported goods) in the ‘Statement on Origin’.
- Maintain appropriate commercial accounting records for the production and supply of goods qualifying for preferential treatment and keep all evidence relating to the material used in manufacturing of the exported goods.
- Keep all customs documentation relating to the material used in manufacturing of the exported goods.
- The document on which the ‘Statement on Origin’ was made, the details of originating and non-originating materials, production and stock accounts shall be preserved for atleast three years from the end of the calendar year in which the statement on origin was made out.
- Submit summary of ‘Statement on origin’ to the Textiles Committee every month in hard copy as well as soft copy in Excel file as per the prescribed format.
- Intimate to the Textiles Committee to revoke the registration, if the company ceases to exist or no longer intend to export goods under the GSP scheme.
- It is mandatory to renew the registration of the Textiles Committee annually to maintain the REX Registration.
2. The Textiles Committee as the local administrator under the REX System shall be given access to the documents/records required to establish the origin of the exported goods declared in the Statement on Origin. The verification officer will do random check on periodic basis on a mutually agreed date.
3. Subsequent to the registration under the REX, the exporter shall intimate to the Textiles Committee for updating the changes in case there is/are any change/s in the details provided in the application for registration under REX such as address, contact persons, authorised signatory, contact numbers, change in HS codes of goods exported, etc.
Training material on REX is available here.
Certificate of Origin (Non-Preferential):
The Textiles Committee is also authorized to issue Certificate of Origin (Non-Preferential) for textiles and its related products to enable the exporters to establish the country of origin of the material exported.
Exporter shall submit the duly filled-in Certificate of Origin (Non-Preferential) for endorsement with necessary documents like invoice, bill of lading (if applicable) and bill of entry (if applicable). The Certificate of Origin (Non-preferential) is normally issued on the same day
From April 1, 2021 onwards, Certificate of Origin (Non-Preferential) will be digitally issued on DGFT digital platform. The link for the same is https://coo.dgft.gov.in/
1. Tariff Rate Quota Certificate (TRQC) under ISFTA:
- Procedure for Import of Textile and Apparel from Sri Lanka
- Blank format of Tariff Rate Quota Certificate (TRQC)
- Fees & charges ISFTA : Fees for endorsement of Tariff Rate Quota Certificae (TRQC) per certificate: Rs. 600/- + 18% GST
2. Import of Acrylic yarn from Nepal under Indo-Nepal Trade Treaty
Note: It is mandatory to register with Textiles Committee for availing the above service
- Procedure for importation of Acrylic Yarn from Nepal to India under Indo—Nepal Treaty of Trade
- Certificate of Quota Distribution from Department of Commerce Nepal
- Certificate Quota from Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce
- Letter from Textiles Committee
- Passbook Format
- Fees & charges:
- Service charges (to be paid by the Nepalese Exporter): INR.200/- + 18% GST per Metric Ton of Acrylic Yarn.
- Nepalese Exporter has to get registered by paying a one-time registration fee of INR.5,000/- + 18% GST with the Regional Office of Textiles Committee, Gurugram, Haryana (erstwhile located at Naraiana, New Delhi)
Under the bilateral agreements with developed countries/block like USA, European union, Switzerland, Australia, etc the Government of India has authorised the Committee to issue Handloom, Cottage Industry or Industrial craft Certificates after conducting limited inspection for ensuring handloom origin for eligible textile items to enable the importers to claim duty concessions.
Exporters desirous of the availing the above certificate may submit the application (Combination Form) downloaded from the website and submit the duly filled-in combination form to the nearest office of the committee with the requisite application charges at least a day before the date of Inspection.
Note: It is mandatory to register with Textiles Committee for availing the above service.
Blank Certificates are available for sale.